Monday, February 25, 2013

Quick Portraits

     Here are a few ink portraits I did one day while looking through my friend's retro machining catalogue.

Free Accordions; buy direct

pen and ink on paper
Ray Smith

pen and ink on paper

that He Man Voice

pen and ink on paper

Puzzle Lovers Club

pen and ink on paper

"Uncle" Tom McCahaill

pen and ink on paper

Friday, February 1, 2013

Paradox of Masculinity

"I have always been aware of social constructions that define the world in which we live.  How relationships and differences between people set boundaries and control expectations.  How judgments and opinions generated by a small group of people can ultimately control the growth and development of culture as a whole.

More specifically, conflicts revolving around definitions of gender in American society are developing with increasing levels of complexity and dissonance. The idea of masculinity as it relates to both personal and public identities has become over idealized and exaggerated. As a result of unhealthy societal pressure to exhibit traditional masculine traits, males in the United States not only objectify women, but their own gender as well.  This perpetuates "The Paradox of Manliness": that what defines us as men ultimately leads to our own objectification.  

This objectification can range from body image issues and eating disorders to unhealthy competition, harassment, and violence.

Using contemporary subject matter surrounding the fortification of gender stereotypes,  "The Paradox of Manliness" is a direct response to this societal phenomenon. Idealized images of culturally un-idyllic male figures provide a social investigation of masculine aggression."

4' X 7'
Oil on Canvas

4' X 7'
Oil on Linen

4' X 7'
Oil on Linen

I am currently preparing for two solo exhibitions (one in Pittsburgh and one in DC) coming up in May.    Details will be released soon.  I will mostly be maintaining radio silence until then.  See you on the other side!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bellum Sacrum

Here is a painting completed in October, but just got decent documentation.

Bellum Sacrum
Oil on Linen
18" X 24"

Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3

Detail 4

Friday, January 11, 2013

5 minute sketch

        I just got back from a few days in the Florida Keys.  Took my paints and did several quick sketches on the same surface (wiping it each time).  This was the last one for the day, so I decided to keep it.  It was a five minute exercise  done in the most uncomfortable spot imaginable.  It's a painting of my close friend and fellow painter Brian, fishing off some rocks in Bahia Honda State Park.

Brian Fishing
oil on paper on canvas
8" X 10"